Category: Healthcare

Upcoming Events to Take Place in Ontario and British Columbia

Family is Back Home in Belgium and Provide Details of Their Surrogacy Experience

Additional Bilingual Support Services Added for Intended Parents and Surrogates

Surrogates from All Across the Country in Attendance

CFC's Multiple Pregnancy Rate Is Still Lower Than National Standard

Sponsorship to Mark the End of Canadian Infertility Awareness Week

With Health Canada Round Table discussions starting next week, Fertility Advisors urges Canadians to make their voice be heard.

Member of Parliament Anthony Housefather announced in March that he would be planning a private members bill that would change the future of assisted reproduction in Canada.

With most their most recent retreat, Sacred Surrogacy welcomed 62 women to Omemee, Ontario, displaying the forward moving trend of surrogacy sisterhood.

Fertility Advisors is looking for donor-conceived Canadians, over the age of 18, to join us on our Day On The Hill.